Posts with the tag “thessalonians”
Good Luck With That
by Paul McIntyre on September 13th, 2021
In so many ways, I see the workings of a local church as a sign of God's sense of humor. - The whole idea of a pastor shepherding sheep who are so independent and prone to wander. Good luck with that one . . . - That sheep (church members) follow the leadership of someone much younger, older, from another region of the country (yes, I'm a Yankee ), from a different background, different education,... Read More
Enought to Be Dangerous
by Paul McIntyre on September 13th, 2021
Have you ever known enough to be dangerous? Where you know some things about some things, but not everything about everything.Like being a Senior Pastor. I knew some things, but certainly not everything. As an associate pastor for 13 years, primarily working with youth, I would often think of what it would be like to be a Senior Pastor. Work half the hours and get paid twice the money! Seems like ... Read More
Set Apart
by Paul McIntyre on September 13th, 2021
Over the past several decades of pastoral ministry, I have seen a lot of changes in the spiritual climate within the church. One of the most noticeable changes has been in the area of sanctification for believers."Sanctification" = being set apart from sin to holiness, godliness, righteousnessConsider:Now may the God of peace Himself sanctify you completely; and may your whole spirit, soul, and bo... Read More
Sex Talk
by Paul McIntyre on September 13th, 2021
Apparently life in Thessalonica 2,000 years ago was a lot like life here in Lake Worth today. Based on 1 Thessalonians 4:8, there was a tendency to listen more to man than to God concerning areas of "sexual immorality" (3), "holiness and honor" (4), "passion of lust" (5), "impurity" (7), and "holiness" (7).Therefore he who rejects this does not reject man, but God, who has also given us His Holy S... Read More
Keep It Up
by Paul McIntyre on September 13th, 2021
Hello, my name is Paul. It's been a while . . .This Sunday, August 8, we will be looking at 1 Thessalonians 4:1-3. For three chapters in the book of Thessalonians, the Apostle Paul has been encouraging, teaching, explaining, reminiscing, and reminding the believers in Thessalonica about their spiritual journey. Where they've come from, where they are, where they are going in their relationship wit... Read More